5 FAQs About CEREC® Crowns

CEREC Crowns Brentwood, CA

CEREC® crowns are becoming more and more popular as they offer an array of benefits that traditional dental crowns do not. However, because they are relatively new to dentistry, many people still have questions about what they are and what the treatment process entails.

5 Common questions about CEREC® crowns

Below is a quick overview of CEREC dental crowns. This information can be especially helpful to review when considering different dental restorations.

1. What does CEREC stand for?

CEREC stands for the chairside economical restoration of esthetic restorations. In the case of dental crowns, CEREC refers to ceramic-made dental crowns that are made chairside in a dentist's office. CEREC crowns rely on CAD/CAM technology, which stands for computer-aided design/manufacturing. The technology helps to create dental crowns quickly and in one dental appointment based on digital impressions.

2. How do CEREC crowns work?

CEREC crowns are custom-crafted in just one dental appointment. Traditionally, dental crowns are crafted in a dental lab over the course of a couple of weeks, based on physical molded impressions. With CEREC crowns, the impressions are taken digitally, which is very similar to photographs. Once the dentist takes the digital impressions, the CAD/CAM technology transmits them into the CEREC machine. The crowns are then created based on the digital impression, which produces an accurate and efficient crown. This entire CEREC crown process is done in just one dental appointment.

3. What are the advantages of CEREC crowns?

CEREC crowns are advantageous in that they are created in just one day, reducing the number of appointments required. Additionally, they are made of ceramic materials, which is a strong and natural-looking material, thus allowing for a tooth-like restoration. Lastly, CEREC crowns reduce the potential for damage to occur. Traditional crowns leave a period of time where the patient has to wear a temporary crown for a week or so, thus making the tooth prone to damage. Because CEREC crowns are made in one appointment, this risk is eliminated.

4. Is CEREC technology safe?

Yes. CEREC crown technology has been studied and perfected over the last few years to ensure safe and strong results.

5. Do CEREC crowns last forever?

CEREC crowns can last forever, but that does not mean they always will. Just like with traditional dental crowns, CEREC crowns too may require repair or replacement eventually. If there are accidents, decay, or breaks in the CEREC crown, the patient should undergo a replacement or repair. However, with good oral care, CEREC crowns may last a lifetime. On average, they are said to last for around 10 to 15 years.

Get started with CEREC® crowns

Individuals that are interested in CEREC crowns should consult directly with a dentist. An evaluation can be done in order to determine whether or not CEREC crowns are a suitable option for them. Additionally, questions and concerns can be properly addressed by the dentist. Contact us today to find out more or to get scheduled with a consultation appointment.

Request an appointment here: https://oakstreetfamilydental.com or call Oak Street Family Dental at (925) 301-4289 for an appointment in our Brentwood office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: CEREC Dentist in Brentwood, CA.

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